Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15th... a significant day

Today is January 14th. Just about half way through the month. They say it's the day to determine whether or not you'll stick with your New Year's resolution.

Are you still following the diet? Have you stuck to your new budget? Are you still going to the gym?

If yes, then bravo!

If no, there's one thing you need to do IMMEDIATELY before you chalk up a failed resolution.

It's not something you have to buy. You don't have to follow any instructions. It's very simple really.


You must focus your time and energy toward your resolution.

There are 10,080 minutes in a week. Take out a 7 hour slumber and you're left with 7,140 minutes. Then subtract a 50-hour work week, maybe more maybe less, and you're left with 480 extra minutes a day.

If you workout for 45 minutes that's less than 10% of your free minutes. And that's not taking into account the days you don't exercise. Not much when you look at it that way, huh?

How much are you focusing?

Sure, there's other little stuff in there; getting your gym bag ready, warm-up... but ask yourself...

What amount of focus will help me achieve my goal?

Is what I'm giving it now enough?

Maybe you just need to tape a Nike running ad to your fridge to remind and motivate you of your workouts. Maybe you need to enlist the help of a friend or coach.

Whatever it is find out what will help you increase your focus. Do this and you'll surely succeed this year.

To a successful 2013,

Tim Chudy
Fitness Together

P.S. If you tried joining a gym and found out you need more help, please call me, 314.909.9565. Regardless of your situation I know we can help. Give me a chance to prove it to you.

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