I'm going to keep it light today with 2 weight loss categories.
The Funny:
You'll notice the pictures below. All of them are advertisements for weight loss or fitness centers. All of them are pretty darn funny! And guaranteed to catch your attention wouldn't you say?

The Ridiculous:
This one is so ridiculous that it's almost funny. (Ok, it's not almost funny, it is funny.)
The newest weight loss fad to hit the marketplace is the K-E Diet. If you're tuned into the news it probably caught your attention.
The K-E Diet, also known as the feeding tube diet, is helping brides shed pounds right before the big day. You can lose up to 15 pounds in just 10 days following this doctor administered diet. And it really doesn't take much effort. The main complaint from those on it is explaining why a tube is running up your nose!
Can you imagine trying to hold a (serious) conversation with someone that has a tube running up their nose and clipped to an IV bag on their hip? Sheesh.
I can't imagine what's next. Maybe something with aliens.
Hope this made you smile today. Have a great weekend!
Tim Chudy
Fitness Together