Longtime Fitness Together client, David Hotle, was
recognized as one of St. Louis' fittest CEO's by
Small Business Monthly. Even better, they chose
him to flex his muscles for the cover!!!
It's a great accomplishment for David. But with or
without it, he's truly living a high quality of
life. And his health and fitness are a big reason
for that.
David's health and fitness success began with his
decision to change some of his habits. He noticed
himself slipping with his diet and exercise. And
he didn't like the way that limited him.
When I first met David he was soft and "flabby."
I could tell he wasn't working out. That was over 5
years ago.
Now, David is one of the fittest 65 year olds I've
ever worked with. Every time a new trainer takes
him through a workout I hear how impressed they
are with his fitness level. He pushes hard. But he
also pushes smart. He's very tuned-in to his body
and knows his limitations.
David has seen his fair share of speed bumps along
the way too. He's taken vacations, been very busy
with work, dealt with a few nagging physical
issues, but if it's one thing this guy is, it's
And that is one of his biggest secrets!
As he says, "When you're health conscious, you
have a better quality of life."
Being health conscious doesn't happen for 3
months. It's a decision you make each and
every day. It's a way to live your life.
It's also important to note David's mental
I've never seen David have a bad day. His
family, friends, and colleagues would say the
same. I'm sure he has them. But it's just another
choice he makes toward living a high quality life.
As David finishes a hard set of exercise, his
heart rate pumping, sweat dripping and breathing
heavy, his response is, "Good, good!" My entire
training team, including myself, now says, "Good,
good!" through training sessions. His positive
energy is contagious.
Congratulations David! I'm glad your hard work and
commitment to a fit and healthy lifestyle were
Good, good!
Live by David's example and make a decision to be
fit and healthy. Decide to be positive. If you do,
I assure you, you will live greatly.
To your health and fitness,
Tim Chudy
P. S. If you read the article (linked at the top)
you saw that David and I traded training for
I was 25 when I opened my business. If you can
imagine, I needed some guidance. His coaching has
been worth its weight in gold.
If you're an owner, executive, or in any type of
sales I'd encourage you to give David a call.
He'll take your business life from flabby to fit
and healthy!