If you pay attention to the daily news headlines
your eyes or ears probably caught this story.
A recent poll taken by Nutrisystem asked what women and men would give up for weight loss and the results are quite telling. Some of the sacrifices people would make astonished me! Take a look at the chart to the right.
If you saw this in the news then you noticed
sacrificing sex for weight loss was the lead
headline. As they say, sex sells. But the survey
went beyond sacrificing your love life.
--Only 35% of Americans fall into the 'healthy
lifestyle' category on the index, by making
healthy food and portion choices and by exercising
--30% of Americans fall into the 'unhealthy
lifestyle' category and have dieted an average of
20 times in their life, using five different diet
--35% of Americans have dieted an average of six
times in their life, using two different diet
--Nearly 1/3 of Americans (29%) have tried dieting
over the past eleven months, and more than half of
Americans (51%) have dieted within the past two
Most of this does not shock me. According to
Consumer Reports, the diet industry has the
greatest amount of dissatisfaction than any other
industry they have researched.
Think about this for a second. Most people that go
on a diet will be unhappy. Yet they'll continue to
diet throughout their life.
Does that make any sense?! Not to me. But if a
diet doesn't work, I could see why one would
continue to search for a solution that does.
This survey also found that dieters have a hard
time with losing weight. Almost all dieters (93%)
find at least one aspect of their dieting plan to
be challenging. The majority (71%) said they are
not able to control cravings. And 64% found
portion size an obstacle to their success.
Dieting has become an uphill battle for Americans.
Dr. Bruce Daggy, a nutritional biochemist summed
it up well, "...many Americans are willing to make
extreme sacrifices to lose weight, but they
eventually give up on their goals because they
don’t know how to reach them."
So with this in mind I have 2 very simple
components for you to look for when you start a
1. Support and Accountability. If you know it's
going to be hard then why would you not have
support and accountability included in your
Don't go it alone! Get help. We're professionals
for a reason. When you have a toothache, you go to
the dentist. When you need a will, you call a
lawyer. Why not hire a professional for your
And as far as accountability goes, do yourself a
favor and don't ask a spouse, friend, or loved one
to hold you accountable. Save your relationship.
As a newlywed I can attest to this. Your
relationship will get in the way of your program
and results. Have a neutral third party hold you
accountable to your program.
2. A Guarantee. Any 'expert' can talk the talk.
Especially if they're talking from behind a TV
screen or page from a magazine. But talking the
talk without walking the walk is weak and callow.
Any program worth trying should have a guarantee.
If not, at least find out who else has been
successful with the program. And I'm not talking
about airbrushed models or celebrity endorsers.
Ask for references and testimonials. Real life,
average Joe's.
Of course my program has both of these components.
I wouldn't stress the importance of them if they
weren't a part of my own program, right?;-)
Reread some of the stats above and ask yourself if
you fall into the majority. Then think about
a year from now. Then think 3 years, and 5 years.
Who do you want to be? How do you want to feel?
If you want to prevent the dissatisfaction that is
so rampant among diet plans and video workouts,
then it's time to give me a call, 314.863.7799, or send me an email. Our program is time-tested and proven. And I can guarantee it.
To your success,
Tim Chudy
P.S. This is your life we're talking about. It's
time to stop the diet nonsense and follow a
program that works...for life.
P.P.S. I'd be happy to give you references of real
live clients. Or you can always visit our website
and check out our success stories.
P.P.P.S My Mini-Poll. Since I'm not one to say losing weight or getting in shape is easy, I'm not going to poll you on what you'd do or give up. So I'll ask you this...
How would you reward yourself (what would you do, where would you go, etc...) when you accomplished your ultimate fitness or weight loss goal? Post your answer in the comment section below.
P.P.P.P.S. Don't be shy! Post your response now. (And I swear that's my last P.S.;-)