Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Learned Weight Loss Lesson

I emailed this lesson on Father's Day and totally skipped posting it to the blog. So excuse the timliness of it. But I think the lesson is worth the tardiness.

First, I want to wish all of the dads out there,
especially my dad, a Happy Father's Day. We're
blessed and thankful to have you in our lives.
Second, I have a weight loss tip for you today.
And appropriately, it's a tip I learned from my dad.

My dad was the one that spurred my health
kick. He bought me my first set of weights.
He'd make me a healthy lunch for school. But most
importantly, he taught me health and fitness by example.

He went to the gym a minimum of 5 days a week. He
would always make sure we had veggies with dinner. Don't get me wrong, he would still bring home donuts on Saturday morning, but all in all, he was a healthy example to follow. And that's the tip I want to share with you today. Learn by example.

I bet I can guess how successful you are with your
weight loss and fitness goals by taking a look at
the examples you follow.

Those examples will influence your actions and
behaviors. They will have the greatest effect on
you. Sometimes whether you choose it or not.
For instance, wouldn't you want to follow the
example of someone that's been successful
with weight loss versus someone that hops
from one diet to the next always struggling to
keep the weight off?

The examples you have in your life will utlimately
influence your actions.

I am the man I am today because of my dad. He
didn't sit me down one day and say, "Tim, this is
how you be a man." Not at all.

But I did learn how to work hard. I did learn how
to treat a lady. I did learn how to sacrifice. I
learned all of this from his example.
You can learn the same way. Doesn't matter if it's
weight loss, fishing, or sewing. If you
watch, observe, and follow a good example, chances
are you'll be just as good.

Good examples are a great way to learn. Take some
time now to think about the examples you have when
it comes to your weight loss. Are they good examples to follow? Will they help you move closer to your goal? If not, I suggest you find others to follow. If you need a good example to follow come spend a week with my team and I. We'll quickly show you the path to weight loss!

To your weight loss success,


P.S. If you don't have a good example to follow or have been unsuccessful with your weight loss click here for a consultation. I'll give you info on our programs and show you why Fitness Together is a good example to follow.
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