Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Has this ever happened to you?

This happened to a lady I was talking with
the other day. And I feel like it happens to
a lot of people.

Has it ever happened to you?

You step on the scale Friday and it gives you a
number you’re ok with. Maybe even a little excited
about. Going into the weekend, you’re very
motivated and determined.

Then on Monday you step on the scale and your
weight is up 4 pounds!! What the heck. Is this a
joke? Is someone playing a trick on you?

If this has happened to you its frustrating isn’t
it? A few attempts of effort with those results
makes you wanna throw in the towel.

It’s the point at which you become fed up with
failure. And it’s usually when people call me.

Your desire, effort, and commitment are there. But
results aren’t. And it’s disheartening for me to

If this has happened to you -or is happening to
you- there are specific mistakes you’re making
with your efforts. It makes me think of the quote
I'm sure you've heard of; doing the same thing and
expecting different results is the definition of

Well, the good news, you’re not insane. But you
are doing something wrong. If you would like to
find out the mistakes you’re making with your
fitness results you’re welcome to a personal

But I’ll venture to say I can guess some of them
right here. So, here are a few mistakes to avoid
when trying to lose weight and get in shape.

1. Only doing cardio. This is a BIG no-no. Why
weight training gets a bad rap I’ll never know.
But look at any Hollywood actress or actor and
they ALL work out with weights. At least 3 times a
week. That gives them a lean and toned look.
(And they NEVER get bulky.)

Strength training has so many benefits to it. And
you probably know them all. It spikes metabolism
and sends your body into a fat burning frenzy. It
tones and tightens your muscles so putting on a
sleeveless shirt is a fun and proud experience. It
strengthens your body as you continue to age. And
the list goes on.

2. Stepping on the scale. If you’re trying to lose
weight please do me a favor... stay off the
scale!! Your weight will fluctuate up and down,
day to day. EVERYONE’S does. And muscle weighs
more than fat. So a lot of times you’re making
positive changes, but the scale is telling you

We weight our clients once a month. That’s it.
That’s all that’s needed.

3. Only paying attention to calories in, calories out.
This is another common mistake that most fall for.
Now, in theory this is true, but usually it’s not that simple.
There’s more to it than just calories. You should
be watching calories, macronutrients (protein,
carbs, and fat), portion sizes, frequency, and of
course depending on the exercise you’re doing
plays a part.

Here’s a simple equation to follow to keep
everything in check: ST + CT + BM + E3 = R

Strength training + cardio training + balanced meals
every 3 hours = results!!

So what’s stopping you? Well, most of the women
and men I talk to don’t really know where to
begin. Or how. You can go to the gym... do a
little of this, a little of that, and an hour
later not really have accomplished anything.

But that is why we’re here. To help you! You can
easily get a customized plan to make your workouts
not only EFFICIENT but EFFECTIVE too! All you have to
do is ask.

I hope you find some of this info helpful. If you
have a question about this or want to leave a
comment please do below.

To your weight loss and fitness success,

Tim Chudy

P.S. Remember, you can request a consultation
here. If you’re not quite ready but still want
info on our programs and services click here.

P.P.S. Post your comments or questions below.
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