As you can see I snapped a picture of Elvis last weekend. I’m pretty sure it was him even though I was far away. You can tell me what you think:-).
I watched the Opening Ceremonies last weekend. Wow. It was unbelievable! The Chinese perfectly executed what is now considered the most impressive opening ceremony ever. I was amazed that so many people could perform in unison and with such discipline. I hope you got a chance to see it. If not, it’s definitely worth a Youtube search.
Now on to why you really opened this email… Flat, Sexy Abs!
In addition to Elvis you'll see the picture of two runners. Two very different runners. One is a long distance runner. And one is a sprinter.
Although a little extreme, which body would you rather have? Maybe neither! But I think you get my point. In order to really maximize results from your health and fitness program you MUST incorporate cardiovascular training. It is one of the three crucial components to serious results. It’s not always fun. But it will add synergy to your entire program and give you the extra oomph you need to burn that unwanted fat.
So what’s the best way to train?
Long distance or sprints?
Sprinters train with high intensity bursts for short duration periods, burning more sugar, and less fat during the workout. “Well, if high intensity burns less fat then I should run long distance to burn more fat. Right Tim?” Not so fast. No pun intended:-). If you notice sprinters body type they tend to look leaner, with more muscle and less fat. The reason for this is because when a high intensity burst of exercise is performed, the body burns more relative amounts of sugar, but burns more fat and calories after the workout. This effect can last from 16-48 hours!
Low or moderate intensity exercise has no after burn effect. “Wow! So for flat, sexy abs I should be doing high intensity exercise. Right Tim?” Yes! You got it.
But there’s even more benefit to this type of training!
Another important aspect of this type of exercise is the hormonal balance that it creates. Low to moderate intensity exercise produces cortisol, which can lead to a catabolic (muscle burning) state. High intensity exercise does this as well, but does so along with growth hormone and testosterone, enhancing fat burning, leading to an anabolic (muscle building) state. Studies have shown the high intensity method to be more effective at burning fat and maintaining, or building, muscle mass than long duration, lower intensity aerobic workouts.
There’s your missing ingredient for flat, sexy abs! Combined with resistance training and good nutrition you’ll be on your way.
To your six pack,
P.S. Have you seen Michael Phelps!? The dude is absolutely amazing. If you’ve seen him perform, you’ve seen his long and lean body. The guy is ripped. I’ll be telling you more about how he trains and what he eats to achieve his physique.