No health and fitness message today. Just a quick story.
I celebrated my 28th Birthday last Thursday. I took the day off. Didn't even step foot in the studios. It was great.
I slept in a little. Had a big breakfast - my favorite meal of the day. Took a jog to the fountains in Forest Park. Laid by the pool. And topped it all off with dinner at Niche down in Soulard with my girlfriend.
It was an awesome birthday!
When I checked my email late in the day, an old friend's name stuck out like a sore thumb among the other hundreds of emails jamming my inbox.
Omar Santos. Everyone called him Omi.
I met Omi when I lived in New York City back in 2000. I got my first job as a personal trainer at the New York Sports Club(NYSC) on Wall St. He and I went through their training orientation at the same time.
We became quick friends and since we could train at any of the 50 or so NYSC locations throughout the city, we buddied up with our own training programs. We kept in touch for a couple years after I moved back. But we haven't spoken in 5 years.
He emailed to wish me a Happy Birthday. He said it popped up in his calendar so he googled my name and found my website, He's been living in Guam working for Deloitte and Touche for the past few years. He sent a picture of Tumon Bay where he goes for daily swims in the ocean(It's pictured above).I immediatley became jealous.
He went on...
"How's business(es) going? I'm sure you're doing really well and bringing good health and fitness into people's lives. I remember you mentioning back in NY that you always wanted to run your own fitness club. All these years later, you're doing just that and that's awesome."
A feeling of joy and a sense of accomplishment came over me. Wow! I have always known I would be teaching fitness and nutrition and I would own my own business some day.
Man... I'm livin' the dream!!
And I have you to thank for it!
Over two and half years ago I opened Fitness Together here in St. Louis. (it seems like it was just 2 1/2 months ago). And since then we've grown our FT family by the hundreds. And I'm happy that you're apart of it. The jealousy from the island picture quickly dissipated.
While I was on my jog in Forest Park, I thought about the past five years. I have come a long way. Seen good and bad times. And I'm thankful for all of them. I'm thankful to have the support of my family and friends. I'm thankful to the support of my FT Team; Apryl, Josh, Nick, Lori, Kelly, Jon, Carey, Nate, Chad, and Christen. But most of all I'm thankful to YOU. Becuase you are truly why I'm here. And me and my team will continue to coach, motivate, and support you with your health, fitness, and nutrition.
Talk to you soon.
To your health,