Today I've got proof that aging can be defied. I’ll get to that in just a minute.
But I'll warn you again - this is only for women over 40 years of age. (But I wrote this and I'm a guy and under 40:-)
Do you want to be in the best shape of your be in better shape than you were in your 20's?
Do you want to know how to have the lean toned body of an athlete?
Do you want to know how to overcome any obstacle getting in your way...even a pregnancy?
Then meet Dara Torres. If you watched any of the Olympic trials you know who I'm talking about. Go watch this youtube of her
Dara is 41 years old and recently set a world record. She is swimming against females half her age and medaled in her first Olympics back in 1984...before some of them were born! She looks like a Greek Goddess and is now set to medal in her 5th Olympic Games!!
Here's a little background on Dara:
-- She's 41 years old - a generation
older than most of her competitors.
-- She will go the Beijing Olympics as
the oldest-ever member of the US swim team.
-- She's a mother - and still has maybe
the most impressive abs I've ever seen
on a woman.
-- She's considered to have the purest
and most efficient swimming stroke...of
any woman in the world.
-- She's medaled in four consecutive
Olympics...Beijing will be her fifth,
and she's favored to at least medal,
possibly win the 50 meter freestyle.
-- She owns 8 Olympic medals
-- She retired from swimming after 2000
Olympics in Sydney...and now she's BACK!
-- And she is amazingly fit.
Not too shabby for a 41 year old mom.
I know what you're thinking. "Sure, she's a 41 year old fit mom. But she's an Olmpic athlete. She's gotta be some sort of genetic freak."
Well, to be an Olympic athlete I admit, you do have to have some genetics and God-given talent. But the fact is she has worked her @$& off to get where she is. Listen to what she said in an interview with Women's Health:
You've trained for the Olympics in your 20s and 30s. At 40, is your body responding differently?"It's very difficult for my body to recover after workouts now that I'm older, so we have to keep them short, which means they're extremely difficult and intense(from Tim- this is why our clients drink Physique, for post-workout recovery). It sucks. I can't sit here and say that it's been easy making this comeback. It hasn't. I mean, there are days when I feel like I'm swimming with a piano on my back and I'm going to sink."You see. She is human. Both you and I have days where doing another squat or walking another mile seems impossible. But just like us, Dara has those days.
So how do you overcome those days? Follow Dara:
How do you keep going?"I think about the end goal. When I feel like my body is exhausted, I focus on making my fifth Olympic team so I can push through it. They may become harder to achieve, but your dreams can't stop because you've hit a certain age or you've had a child"Awesome!!!
Just because you're 40, 50, or 60 years old doesn't mean a damn thing. Just because you've had 2 kids and don't have the body and fitness level you once had doesn't mean didley squat.
...unless you allow it to.
Sure, it's going to take some hard work. I mean, Dara didn't get BACK to the top of her sport at 41 years old without some good, honest hard work. But how bad do you want it?
How soon were you able to get back into the pool after having Tessa?"Tessa was put on my chest just after she was born, and I was saying, "Oh, she's so beautiful." Then the doctor came in and the first thing I asked was, "When can I work out?" He thought I was kidding. He told me I could do aerobic exercise in 6 weeks. I said, "I have a swim meet in 3 weeks!" About a week and a half after I delivered, I had to do something, so I went to the gym to work on my triceps and biceps. Then around the corner, I saw my doctor, and thought, "You've got to be kidding me!" When he spotted me, I think he just gave up. He said, "Go ahead and swim!"What's your workout routine like now?"I do a lot of core work, and I work out on a Swiss balance ball. I train with a coach from the Florida Panthers hockey team, and my body has completely changed. It's a very fluid type of training, which is great, since swimming is a very fluid motion. In the weight room we concentrate on equipment that works a lot of different muscles at once. As for swimming, I'm now in the pool 5 days a week from 8 to 10 a.m. And I'm in the gym for an hour and a half, 4 days a week. Two days upper body, two days lower."Dara wants to be the best swimmer ever! Even as a 41 year old mother. She's not using either as an excuse.
I find her story truly inspiring and hope you do too. Age, kids, work, lack of motivation, etc... These things can easily bog us down and lead us to believe that getting back in shape, toning and tightening up your muscles is impossible.
But it's not! And Dara Torres is living proof that you can accomplish your goals...even as an 'over the hill' mother!
You can do it,
Tim Chudy
P.S. Dara's journey back to the top has not been easy. Even she feels like she has a piano on her back at times. But she is still taking ALL the necessary steps to get back in shape. Core, weights, swimming, and she didn't touch on her diet but I assure you it's spot on. Her program resembles a lot of what we do here at Fitness Togther. If you would like more information on our 5 step system to getting your body back request a
consultation. Or if you're not quite there yet request our