This isn't a workout strategy or something to add or subtract from your diet.
What is this weight loss strategy I'm talking about?
It's social pressure. Specifically social-networking pressure.
I learned a few years ago that when you stretch yourself, in any area of your life, you'll grow farther and faster than if you hadn't.
Basically, when you put yourself on the line, you will respond.
Let me give you a real life example...
Pam started training with us a few weeks ago. She announced to her social network that she was embarking on a weight loss and fitness journey. (#1)
She came busting out of the gates and lost 8 pounds in her first week! She was religious with her program. She told her network how well she was doing and received a lot of positive reinforcement. (#2)
Then Pam hit a speed bump. She had some issues with her eyes and couldn't train for two weeks. Talk about taking the wind out of your sail. So instead of charging forward, she took a couple steps back. And again, let her network know. (#3)
Here's the power in this...
#1 is making a public announcement. This allows you to feel the social pressure to do what you say you're going to do. There's no accountability in keeping it to yourself. It's much easier to tell yourself you failed, harder to tell others.
#2 is receiving positive reinforcement. Everyone loves to hear what a great job they've done. That reinforces the behavior changes you've made and you continue to take action toward your goals.
#3 is negative reinforcement. When you've made a public announcement and then told people of your mess up, they'll let you know how they feel. Depending on your friends, they'll hold your feet to the fire and really let you have it or they'll gently re-encourage you. Either way, it's motivation to refocus yourself.
The bottom line... social pressure solidifies your commitment to change and opens the door for support from those around you. And social networking sites like Facebook make this easier than ever.
Pam is back on track and lost 5 pounds last week. The posts on her wall are very encouraging. And I'm confident they'll continue to be.
But the fact that she made her goals public has dramatically increased her success rate. Great work Pam!
Now go post something to the public and achieve your goals.
To your success,
Tim Chudy
Fitness Together
P.S. Did you know we're on Facebook?! And we have a goal of 200 likes by the end of August. (See, I just made it public.) Can you help us? Please "Like" us now. And suggest us to your friends and family. We really appreciate your help.
P.P.S. The FT 'Beat Your Best' Challenge starts this week. Get in the Olympic spirit and take part in the challenge. Details here or call us at the studio to register.