I've never seen an episode of Jersey Shores. And frankly, I don't care to.
But I do know Snooki. A name like that demands attention.
Snooki knows a BIG secret to achieving weight loss
But you know this secret too.
You might not know you know it. But you do know it.
This secret isn't some special piece of equipment
or any particular exercise. It's not even a new diet or supplement.
Would you like to know what this secret is?
The secret is sacrifice.
You see, sacrifice is essential when it comes to
losing weight. You must sacrifice something. Often times many things.
Sacrifice is defined as 'destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else'.
You can't get something without giving something (up) in return.
You know it.
I know it.
When it comes to your weight loss, it's making sacrifices that will help you get rid of the pounds.
"If I weren't here (working out) I'd be sleeping. It's been a good decision. A no-brainer really."
One of our clients said that to me after I inquired about his program.
He sacrificed a little sleep.
Snooki is sacrificing booze.
"I just have to quit the drinking so much. If I do drink, it's going to be, like, vodka and seltzer ... maybe like two or three."
Sheesh. Ok, maybe she's not sacrificing all that much. (I guess if
you have 12 drinks 2 or 3 is a big change.:-)
What are you sacrificing to lose weight? What have you 'destroyed' or 'surrendered' in order to lose weight?
Fast food is a popular one. Sweets, eating out, TV, the list goes on and on.
The fact remains, if you are not making any sacrifices, you will not lose weight.
Taking a pill is easy. Buying some abdominal contraption is easy. There's no sacrifice in that.
Nothing good and lasting comes with ease. Sacrifice is a must.
A good homework assignment is to list out at least 3 sacrifices
necessary for you to lose weight. Feel free to post them in the
comment section below and I'll give you some feedback.
To your weight loss success,
P.S. By the way, giving up booze except for vodka is pretty weak. That's like saying you'll give up McDonald's except for the Quarter Pounder. Make your sacrifice worthwhile.
P.S. A gentle reminder that we're here for you when you're ready. With swimsuit season around the corner it might not be a bad idea to set your appointment.